Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hey all!

After a frantic hiatus of moving into my new house (video here) traveling up to Virginia for a week to hang out with Sangat Bains' family (video here) and not sleeping (could not record video while snoozing) ;-) I am BACK! and I am happy to say that the Treasures of India DVD label is now available for your viewing!

I hope to be setting up a way for you to easily buy a copy directly off of this blog, but in the meantime, take a look at the perty, shiny new artwork (like 12 minutes ago new), and feast your eyes on the goodness that shall soon be on your DVD shelf!

I'm off to Atlanta for the next 2 weeks to show the film at the International Ministry Leaders Conference there, then I'll be showing it again at a youth camp the next week.... Then I'll be showing it AGAIN at a youth camp that I will be hosting back here in FL!

I do hope to update you right up through the final DVD is available for you to buy online, and make sure you are all taken care of ;-)


you're a delight!
-Jonathan ;-)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movin Movin Movin

God bless!

I am in the midst of moving many things, productions, DVD, and the most immediate of all - MYSELF!

I am in currently putting the final touches on my new Condo "Studio" where the final pieces of the Extended TOI cut will take place, and where the Speical Edition of the DVD will be mastered.

I hope to be posting images/videos of my new studio space soon, and I look forward to our final DVD release of the project that we all love so dearly, and pray so fervently will be a glory to God!

Love you muches!
-Jonathan Reichel ;-)

Monday, May 18, 2009


This Saturday, my family will be hosting a final Graduation/Moving out party, and YOU are invited!

We will be watching the final screener version of the film, feasting, slpashin in the pool, and celebrating the completion of the film that so many have been believing for.

Just email me for directions and details!

God bless,
-Jonathan ;-)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This video Sums up my sentiment. ;-)

Ironically, the week my film's (screener cut) is FINISHED, is the week without a Production update video... yet. ;-)

I have been bizarrely busy due to my position as the lead developer/creator of the Capstone Screener Memento DVD, that I have yet to complete, and that has led me to the situation we are in.

But fear not! I hope to do a video update tonight, as I approach completion on so many things...

Stay tuned and God bless!
-Jonathan ;-)

Monday, April 27, 2009


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We are near the end! Enjoy the video, and email me with questions!

-Jonathan ;-)

Monday, April 13, 2009



Update…. ANNNND BRAND NEW ACTUAL FILM CLIP! Woot woot! Enjoy. ;-)

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TOI main vid headder

TOI web blog brick

God bless,
Jonathan ;-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

VIDEO #5 "Excited!" + Site Redesign!

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Hey all and God bless!

I am happy to say that this week has been exciting and productive on many fronts, and on many films! Take a look at the video, and give me a holler! How are you? What are you thinking about? What can I be praying for you for?

do tell!

God's richest blessings,
-Jonathan ;-)

PS: I just redesigned my Film Company "Lightspeed Productions" myspace page:

Take a look at it and be sure to take a look at some of my other films! ;-)
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Monday, March 16, 2009


And now for your viewing pleasure - a further lil' taste of some footage that "MIGHT" make it into the film!

...Oh, how sneaky I am. ;-)

God bless you richly!

-Jonathan Reichel

PS: So! Should I go with subtitles or voice overs?

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hello again from the director's chair! Just wanted to keep you abreast of the situation as I further plunge into the depths of editing and crafting what I am confident will be a great glory to God!

Please keep prayin'!

God's richest blessings,
Jonathan Reichel ;-)

Monday, March 2, 2009


I have just returned from a (extremely delayed) flight from Ohio, where I filmed a wedding of a pair of great friends, Ryan and Alicia Behm.

While I was there, I realized a few things about love that has a direct effect on this film, and how I will proceed. Watch this weeks video update, and see for your self!

Love, and God bless,
Jonathan ;-)

PS: What can I be praying for you for? Leave a comment!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Time to hear from the Director!

I realized, of all the video clips I have uploaded about our upcoming film "Treasures of India -Miracles of God", we haven't had a chance to sit together and talk specifically how the film is progressing!

And that time is now. ;-)

I plan on meeting with you every Monday night to update you with progress, in this video series "TOI - Director's Update".

Ask questions, and I'll answer them, comment and I'll respond, keep the communication flowing!

God bless,
Jonathan Reichel ;-)

"Treasures of India" - Coming Spring 2009!

Lightspeed Productions

Monday, February 16, 2009



This past month has been a flurry of excitement, schedule adjustments, and LOTS of footage watching. I realized, that while I was having the joy of seeing the result of the actual footage shot, YOU my wonderful partners in this endeavor had not!

I have included in this, the first post-production (editing phase) blog update a small glimpse at some of the footage that might find its way into the final cut!

I plan on being much more active in updating this blog with my progress, now that my feet are firmly on the ground, and editing is clearly moving forward.

I praise God when I think of all that happened in India, and I am overwhelmed with joy to think of what God will do with this film as we continue to pray for its success for him.

Join me!

I long to hear how all of you are! Leave a comment, and I will leave you love ;-)

Much love, and God's richest blessings,
Jonathan ;-)

Monday, January 12, 2009


HOME. ;-)
As I sit here, back at the UCF library - I am reminded how quickly it seems life moves here in the US, and how quickly we can get caught back up in it all. New projects are assigned, old projects pile up, current projects become focus.
India was so much more than a place. And, really, looking back - I know it wasn't "INDIA" or any country specifically that has had such an effect on me.
It was, and is, a decision. I decided to separate myself from what I was used to. My old mindset, my old routines. I decided to seek for more. I decided to seek for a richer relationship to that which was true in my life. I my journey, I didn't just decide to seek, I decided to FIND.
And I found truth.
Pure, and simple truth.
God is HERE. God is there. God is willing to provide exactly what you need - NOW!
Just believe. Just believe.
What a simple and beautiful concept. Just believe.
And now - that's what I'll do.
I will believe for God to show me how my film is to be crafted going forward.
I will believe for God to show me how my carreer is to be crafted going forward.
I will believe for God to show me how ... my life is to be crafted going forward.
...and MAN! is it exciting. ;-)
Love now, and always
-Jonathan ;-)
(with new online videos coming soon - for real. ;-)

Monday, January 5, 2009


As I sit here at the London Gatwick airport, my heart and mind explode with many thoughts and feelings.

Physically, I am completely exhausted, and honestly, ready to sleep forever.

Mentally, I am completely frantic, thinking of how I could possibly edit down the current 30 hours of footage into a 15 minute shortfilm for UCF (hopefully a longer full-length cut after that)

Emotionally, I am completely conflicted - honestly wishing I could leave a copy of myself in India, for so many reasons.


Spiritually, I have never been so peaceful. Life just makes so much more sense now. It is strange to say, but eternity has never seemed so clear. The relationship God desires to have with you and I individually is one that is so simple and it is so deep. It is the relationship of a generous father and a beloved child. It is the relationship of pure, true, warm, genuine love. It is a relationship I deeply believe should be experienced by everyone on earth - for THEIR own benefit, now and for eternity.

I'm sure I will be writing much more, and posting MANY more videos on this site as I return home, and have access to consistent high speed Internet. So, in short, this production website is far from dead upon my arrival home. Stay with me. ;-)

In lieu of video (that I would love to show you if I could from here) I would like to share with you this small story among the hundreds I heard while on my journeys:

In a way, the recent terrorist activities in Mumbai have made their way into this film in the best possible way.

While on my journeys, a young man told me his testimony. Three years ago, his life was shattered and he was desperate for purpose. He was prepared to travel to Pakistan and pledge himself to the terrorist cause there. He though he would find purpose in Pakistan, in terrorism, in death.

As many of you know, the attack on Mumbai was launched from Pakistan, and there is some possibility that this man could have been directly linked to it...


had other plans. The love and care that God poured over him saved his life in so many ways. He was spiritually adopted by a new family of believers who shared with him the truth of God, and in accepting the gift Christ offers, this young man found his meaning and purpose.

Not in death, but in life.

He is currently a strong believer in the power of Christ to transform, and actively serves to share the love of Christ with the youth of Kanpur, India.

I have preserved this and many other practical examples of the miracles of God. I am excited to see what God will continue to do wish this project, and I am grateful for your support and love thus far.

God's richest blessings,

Jonathan ;-)

Saturday, January 3, 2009




These past three weeks....


SO much has happened, much of which can't even be told. But you will see, oh, will see. The love of the believers here, the passion and fire with which they live so simply and purely for God. The genuine care and desire they have to serve EACH OTHER before them selves.


...and they make amazing tea.

yes, I'm bringing some home. ;-)

This physical journey through India is almost over, and I'll be back in the superfluous luxuries of America soon - but I know that my new journey with and for God is far from over, and has only just intensified. As I return to the complexity of "modern" society, I pray I will not forget the simplicity with which God desires for us to live.

A pure, real, constant and direct connection to Him.

God is real. God is active, and God is tangible by means of what he does. What he brings forth, what he manifests in the lives


not those who just STUDY
not those who just SERVE
not those who just SEEK

but those who BELIEVE

All people search for God - strangely, atheists most of all.

ALL people want answers. ALL people want truth. ALL people want God, whether they confess it out loud or just hide it in their heart.

God is to be found. NOW. In your life actively, as we but ASK.

Don't ask your rich uncle for the loan, ask your rich Heavenly Father
Don't ask your friends about your relationships, ask your friendly Heavenly Father
Don't ask your psychiatrist the questions of life, ask your all knowing Heavenly Father.

HE gotcha' covered.

Now, and for eternity.

Don't believe me?

ask Him.

Love always, Happy New Year!
Jonathan ;-)

PS: TONS more video to come!