Saturday, January 3, 2009




These past three weeks....


SO much has happened, much of which can't even be told. But you will see, oh, will see. The love of the believers here, the passion and fire with which they live so simply and purely for God. The genuine care and desire they have to serve EACH OTHER before them selves.


...and they make amazing tea.

yes, I'm bringing some home. ;-)

This physical journey through India is almost over, and I'll be back in the superfluous luxuries of America soon - but I know that my new journey with and for God is far from over, and has only just intensified. As I return to the complexity of "modern" society, I pray I will not forget the simplicity with which God desires for us to live.

A pure, real, constant and direct connection to Him.

God is real. God is active, and God is tangible by means of what he does. What he brings forth, what he manifests in the lives


not those who just STUDY
not those who just SERVE
not those who just SEEK

but those who BELIEVE

All people search for God - strangely, atheists most of all.

ALL people want answers. ALL people want truth. ALL people want God, whether they confess it out loud or just hide it in their heart.

God is to be found. NOW. In your life actively, as we but ASK.

Don't ask your rich uncle for the loan, ask your rich Heavenly Father
Don't ask your friends about your relationships, ask your friendly Heavenly Father
Don't ask your psychiatrist the questions of life, ask your all knowing Heavenly Father.

HE gotcha' covered.

Now, and for eternity.

Don't believe me?

ask Him.

Love always, Happy New Year!
Jonathan ;-)

PS: TONS more video to come!

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