Monday, January 5, 2009


As I sit here at the London Gatwick airport, my heart and mind explode with many thoughts and feelings.

Physically, I am completely exhausted, and honestly, ready to sleep forever.

Mentally, I am completely frantic, thinking of how I could possibly edit down the current 30 hours of footage into a 15 minute shortfilm for UCF (hopefully a longer full-length cut after that)

Emotionally, I am completely conflicted - honestly wishing I could leave a copy of myself in India, for so many reasons.


Spiritually, I have never been so peaceful. Life just makes so much more sense now. It is strange to say, but eternity has never seemed so clear. The relationship God desires to have with you and I individually is one that is so simple and it is so deep. It is the relationship of a generous father and a beloved child. It is the relationship of pure, true, warm, genuine love. It is a relationship I deeply believe should be experienced by everyone on earth - for THEIR own benefit, now and for eternity.

I'm sure I will be writing much more, and posting MANY more videos on this site as I return home, and have access to consistent high speed Internet. So, in short, this production website is far from dead upon my arrival home. Stay with me. ;-)

In lieu of video (that I would love to show you if I could from here) I would like to share with you this small story among the hundreds I heard while on my journeys:

In a way, the recent terrorist activities in Mumbai have made their way into this film in the best possible way.

While on my journeys, a young man told me his testimony. Three years ago, his life was shattered and he was desperate for purpose. He was prepared to travel to Pakistan and pledge himself to the terrorist cause there. He though he would find purpose in Pakistan, in terrorism, in death.

As many of you know, the attack on Mumbai was launched from Pakistan, and there is some possibility that this man could have been directly linked to it...


had other plans. The love and care that God poured over him saved his life in so many ways. He was spiritually adopted by a new family of believers who shared with him the truth of God, and in accepting the gift Christ offers, this young man found his meaning and purpose.

Not in death, but in life.

He is currently a strong believer in the power of Christ to transform, and actively serves to share the love of Christ with the youth of Kanpur, India.

I have preserved this and many other practical examples of the miracles of God. I am excited to see what God will continue to do wish this project, and I am grateful for your support and love thus far.

God's richest blessings,

Jonathan ;-)

1 comment:

ucfmills said...

That story describes a real miracle in my mind. Get some rest and I'll look forward to seeing you soon.