Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movin Movin Movin

God bless!

I am in the midst of moving many things, productions, DVD, and the most immediate of all - MYSELF!

I am in currently putting the final touches on my new Condo "Studio" where the final pieces of the Extended TOI cut will take place, and where the Speical Edition of the DVD will be mastered.

I hope to be posting images/videos of my new studio space soon, and I look forward to our final DVD release of the project that we all love so dearly, and pray so fervently will be a glory to God!

Love you muches!
-Jonathan Reichel ;-)

Monday, May 18, 2009


This Saturday, my family will be hosting a final Graduation/Moving out party, and YOU are invited!

We will be watching the final screener version of the film, feasting, slpashin in the pool, and celebrating the completion of the film that so many have been believing for.

Just email me for directions and details!

God bless,
-Jonathan ;-)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This video Sums up my sentiment. ;-)

Ironically, the week my film's (screener cut) is FINISHED, is the week without a Production update video... yet. ;-)

I have been bizarrely busy due to my position as the lead developer/creator of the Capstone Screener Memento DVD, that I have yet to complete, and that has led me to the situation we are in.

But fear not! I hope to do a video update tonight, as I approach completion on so many things...

Stay tuned and God bless!
-Jonathan ;-)