Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Flight of the Wallet....

Hey all!

I have officially begun shopping online for plane flights, and I have found that I can spend anywhere from....

*drum roll.............

$1,500.00 - $3,500.00

On a SINGLE round trip flight.


I'm sure going at a good time....
I'm sure there will be NO other traffic during the pre/post Christmas season. ;-)

Oh well, the Lord will $provide$, and all will be well.

More to come...

God bless you richly,

Jonathan ;-)


ucfmills said...

I'm always thinking about your project and I wondered if you knew that just a couple of years ago a new Hindu temple was built near my home in Casselberry. I wondered if it might be helpful to you to go and talk to someone at the temple about the areas of India you will be visiting. They might have some insight for you about the landscape, logistics, culture, etc. I can tell you are getting more and more excited as the date of your departure gets nearer. I urge you to continue assessing how much difference a new camera would really make. It is indeed the content of a film that matters most. Cheers!

Jonathan Reichel said...

thanks so much for your comment! I will be sure to look into the local resources. ;-)

God bless,
-j ;-)